Tuesday, December 8, 2009


haha yes, SPM is over, not officially over but technically it's over XD.
didnt feel like posting this up, but to some events led me to XD.
SPM was fun. i'll give you that. the hard part aint doing it really, it's preparing it that's draining. but valuable lessons learnt throughout this year's journey and i thank God for every mistake and mshaps that lead me to where i am now.

so yea it's almost the end with chinese left to fill the gap. so to speak we're only left with three weeks of hols to let go and let loose. that's a bum. three weeks for three years of work. hrm.... a guys cant have too many hols i guess.

so, been working on 2010 resolutions. want to be prepared and prioritise this time around on my ambitions. time flies too fast to just lay around.
but the sweet irony is this. here i am trying to rush every blessing that God has in store for me and i bump into this passage.

Abraham spent a great part of His life waiting for his promises to be fulfilled."Now the Lord had said to Abram:

"Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you." Gen. 12:1

"So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him ... And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran." Gen. 12:4

Bible scholars tell us that this was not the first time that God called him out. Apparently, the first time God spoke to Abram was 25 years earlier.

Now, what exactly did God promise him? If you will read in verses 2 and 3, you will see that there are exactly 7 promises given to Abram. But most of these promises were not fulfilled immediately.

You see, to become a great nation, you've first got to have many descendants. But how can you talk about descendants when you don't even have a son?

Abraham didn't have his son Isaac until he was 100 years old! God's promise to give him a son took 25-50 years to come to pass

coinkidink? haha dont think so,
it's amazing how God has been so patient with us when were so stead fast in flashing forward. God is great and amazing.

i knew after all of this i'd have a looong post and i was right XD

been feeling a tad bit wierd lately. not my usual active self. haha i'm feeling it too? maybe it's so much bout SPM?
i dont think so,
but i feel recently i've been succumbed into an emotional state that i cant get away from. call it mid life crisis? nah, still a long way till mid-life. for pete's sake im only 17 haha.
well "bumped" into one of God's message again , and it's funny how stuff just connects to things y'know XD

You can know for a fact that people will never value you the way God does. This is because the value that people place on you tends to be emotionally driven. If they are happy with you, you are wonderful and you are of great value to them. However, if they are upset with you, your value will change; it will drop. So it is important not to make the mistake of trying to draw our self-esteem and sense of value from other people. The end result would only be hurt and disappointment. It is important and wonderful for us to encourage and to give value to one another. But the reality is that the only One that can give you a consistent sense of worth and value is God

i think a lot of it has to do what the passage above says. a lot of it has to do with expectations, and sometimes we live up too much to people's expectations, we lose out on God's expectations. we risk being pulled into human's self worth instead of God's wonderful value on us. i have a feeling a lot of us fallout on our self worth.
it's not the things around us that make us for who we really are, but the value we put on those things in our life.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Life, Looking In Front Everyday,
Even if we really lost our way;
God, family, and friends,
Are always, our helping hands.

So what if Life Sucks
All you gotta say is
Look in front everyday,
So you can know so... much more

John Maxwell
'You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.'

'Leadership is a choice you make, not a place you sit'

'Success is not a destination to be reached, but a journey to be taken'

'People who have given up are ruled by their darkest mistakes, worst failures, and deepest regrets. If you want to be successful, then be governed by your finest thoughts, your highest enthusiasm, your greatest optimism, and your most triumphant experiences.'

stole these from other people's blogs,

i just find these quotees so amazing that i ended up getting a haul of information. look it up in youtube guys, john Maxwell,john bevere, awesome speakers, and trust me, you'll get more than what you bargain for. i know i did. the wonders of internet hasn't ceased to amaze me. it's late, good night :P

Sunday, September 6, 2009

God madeit worthwhile

ok new post :) it's long enjoy
just finished our basketball match today,and by finished, i meant by a small margin we lost, by 2 points which was a shot. but everything was against us today. the match officials, the crowd and.. pretty much everyone else. so right there we were right in front of the game. the clock was ticking, we just had to hold on to the match and would've won, but then right there the tuning point, thomas was given a foul, that was his last, he was out of the game, our team cap'n had to sit through the stands with few minutes remaining. the score remained 20 plus - 10 plus, aha (i cant really remeber the score.) we held out through most of the match but our team was definitly holding on against fatigue, with one player fouled out, three playrs unavailable. we were basically fighting against time. they caught up in the end holding out a draw. with few minutes running, we had to hold out. but the team was out of breath. they were battling out with all their hearts but in the end, we lost out by a final shot. we didnt make it to the quarters

so here's my side of the insights from story:
note information obtained here could be untrue, due to information obtained from a
third party
we could've won the match if the tide wasnt one sided realy, nothing was for us, bt soon i realised how we could make an imact on the basketball field. after the game, despite us losing to the favourites, we greeted eveyoneand congrtulated the opposing teams and th officials as well, we were able to mak an impact in their lives. hopefully a little show of good sportsmanship can somene' hearts and i'm sure it did. some of them gave me a surprised look after the match as if i did the most uexpected thing.

BUT the main point here, God was so real in every aspect of the game, he delivered and the purpose was served. We didnt win the match, we didnt win the hearts of the crowd, but, we won a spirit of gainly competence and humility and great character. Right after the match, we congratulated everyone including the crowd, the officials and the opposing players. And through that, i believe we served our purpose in the competition, and the character was noticed, one or two souls were touched over good sportsmanship and the whole experience and example and which i have faith in will stay in the hearts of the spectators, though we gave our very best but didnt get the results, we won over humble hearts
now that we lost,we can get more rest and and focus more on studies and the tasks at hand. nt a total loss after al if ya ask me haha

God showed some miraculaous moments.for exaple providing rain when i wasnt able to attend one of the matches. God made it possible for me to attend cell group AND the cometition. God provided me a schedule which i was able to follow despite my hectic responsibiliies.

till next time - Maxyong-
our God is an awesome God. greater things have yet to come, our God is a God who provides

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

football was fun today under the rain

been using pp stream to boost the speed of loading vidis, it worked, here's one of 'em.

scored a hat trick today weeee


enjoy :) i just coincidently streamed through this, and i liked it :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wisdom- driven passion.

Wisdom- Driven Passion

To me is the reminder of the values of wisdom, to allow wisdom to conduct our passionate decisions. Wisdom to me is one of the most valuable things that God could ever provide. King David could’ve sought for all the lands would fight for, countless riches to exploit, yet out of the blue King David humbled himself enough to seek for one simple thing, and that’s wisdom.

The wise woman builds her house but the foolish pulls it down with her hands – proverbs 14:1

A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength - proverbs 24:5

Wow, wisdom is just so promising, to discern decisions over challenging situations, the calmness and authority over demanding shortcomings, now that there is someone with great power. God has humbled me enough to know that whatever we do we need wisdom for it. There is wild fire and there is controlled fire.

Our father in heaven, help us to honor your name, give us food for today, keep us from being tempted

Let’s do it for the long run - For i have fought the fight, i have kept the faith, and i have finished the race. ( i never got to remember the verse )

Running the race is one thing, finishing it is another.

it's not how well you start the race, but how strong you finish. - ps Kevin Loo
